Artychoke Zine
Together with fellow artist and good friend Charlotte Arnold, Anna is
co-creator and co-editor at Artychoke Zine. Artychoke is a seasonal online magazine devoted to the arts as means OF & FOR resistance.
HKICAROS & HK International Choreography Festival
ARTICLE /Au-di-tions.com, May 2019
Plain speaking; a conversation with choreographer Jamaal Burkmar
INTERVIEW /Au-di-tions.com, March 2019
ARTICLE /Au-di-tions.com, January 2019
Daniel Mariblanca: a transgender voice in dance
INTERVIEW /Au-di-tions.com, July 2018
Dancing femmes/ The Gracefool ladies
INTERVIEW /Au-di-tions.com, July 2017
Having a coffee with Germán Jauregui.
INTERVIEW /Au-di-tions.com, April 2017
ProDance Leeds
REVIEW / ProDance Leeds, July 2019
REVIEW / ProDance Leeds, April 2019
Uncertain, yet together, we are stronger - Jennifer-Lynn Crawford
REVIEW / ProDance Leeds, March 2019
Space Odyssey - Gianluca Vincentini
REVIEW / ProDance Leeds, February 2019
Feeding Connections - Eugenia Demeglio
REVIEW / ProDance Leeds, January 2019
REVIEW / ProDance Leeds, January 2019
Möbius Dance
'Behind the Scenes' Möbius Dance & Douglas Thorpe
Möbius Dance, March 2019
'Behind the Scenes' Möbius Dance & Jamaal Burkmar
Möbius Dance, March 2019